Saturday, April 21, 2012

71 Won't Be The Same

So anyone who has ever read at least one of these posts knows how obsessed I am with my roommates, if not, scroll down.

Today, April 21, was move out day.
Although, all week long, Jenna, Katelyn, and Coralee had been moving their stuff.
Our pictures are no longer on the wall, Coralees straighter isn't here to use, and our cabinets are emptier.

Yesterday two of the new roommates stopped by, they're from Zimbabwe.  I showed them there room, Katelyn and Coralees.  Then the other new roommate came in, I showed her to Adrianas room, then I helped Adriana move into my room.  This morning I woke up to her instead of Jenna.
Coralee wasn't in the hallway, and I will no longer hear Katelyn singing her stripper song as she curls her hair.
This is going to take some getting use too.

I know i've said this before, but when I choose to come to Utah I prayed and prayed that I could like my roommates.  All through High School I hadn't had the best experiences with girls and I was terrified.  I had never been the new kid, I had never had to make new friends all by myself. I knew I had to get over that.

When I first moved in here Coralee and Katelyn came into my room and asked me to tell them about the boys that were in the pictures on my wall.  Then somehow all five of us managed to wander into one room and we all went around and told our first kiss, worst kiss, and best date stories.  We then also made a list of who get married first. (PS: We send Katelyn off next week to marry Damon, she won.)  That was our start. 

We may not have always got along, but we never fought with each other.  We didn't always have easy conversations, but no one was ignored.

We made it through dear johnning missionaries, rotten potatoes, break ups, engagements and family troubles.  We took lots of pictures, went on roommate dates, shared food and celebrated birthdays. We macked boys, wrote boys, and kept tallies. We practiced the DTR conversations we would soon have with boys, and the conversations we would have when we knew a relationship was coming to an end.  We made it through panic attacks, bed bugs, hospital stays, the awkwardness that follows when you date boys in the ward, and a flooded dishwasher.  We demanded that we must meet the boys each other date, and we demanded play by plays when someone returns home.  We snugged, shared clothes and opinions.  We accepted flaws and loved each others uniqueness.

It may be a little big ridiculous how sad I am about my roommates leaving, but I don't care.  I prayed that I would be able to like my roommates, instead I ended my freshman year of college with a new family.

1 comment:

  1. you made me cry in the line to Indiana Jones! (It was a nice way to pass the wait time)
