Tuesday, March 13, 2012

60 Degrees In March

So, I have a lot to say.
No surprise.
Only, I don't know how to say it.

"I'm just really terrible at making decisions."
"Well yeah...trust me, I know."

"I don't want to stay in Utah for the summer, I want to go home.  I still have friends at home.  I'm a home body, I love being home."
"Well why don't you just go to school in North Carolina?"
Have you ever listened to anything I had to say?

I love school in Utah, I love the people I live with and around.
Is it bad that I love home so much?
Is it bad that I want to go home every chance I get?
No, I don't think it is.
I want to be home for Lyndsis homecoming, and Brads baptism, Jesses play.
I want to see those parts, I want to be close.
But I want the atmosphere of school in Utah.
If anyone can figure that out (with out it costing a bajillion dollars) let a girl know.

And there are also secret combinations, even as in times of old, according to the combinations of the devil, for he is the founder of all these things; yea, the founder of murder, and works of darkness; yea, and he leadeth them by the neck with a flaxen cord, until he bindeth them with his strong cords forever. 
--2 Nephi 26:22

"A flaxen core can be an obligation we feel to have people in our life, even if they're not good for you.  It then changes from a flaxen cord to a strong cord, we feel required to stay with them."

This was part of Coralee's lesson on Sunday. The quote above is something my friend Mike brought up during class. We do things that at the time don't sound like a big deal, we're around people we shouldn't be, but we don't think its going to go anywhere.  Those are tiny flaxen cords that we get caught up in and before we know it we're so tied down that we can't get out by ourselves.  Hello High School. I choose to come to Utah to get away from the very flaxen cords that I felt like were holding me down. Pause. I'm not saying I didn't have great friends in high school, I did.  I had people who stuck up for me, and people I could trust.  But I needed more. That is why i'm here.

I applied for another job today.
I did my laundry.
I cleaned my apartment.
I wore short sleeves, sandals, and capri pants today.
I feel good.

1 comment:

  1. Can I just say that I LOVE YOU?
    God takes care of us!

    Example 1- Plus Im sick and didnt want to go to work - but couldnt afford to use a vacation day plus Brad is sick and there was no one to stay home with him. THEN: I got called back in for jury duty and then I was dismissed within 30 minutes which equals excused day off work AND I got home to be with Brad well before Dad had to leave for work!

    Example 2- Opening night for the musical tonight...I had a meeting for the RDH advisory committee at CPCC and Brad had soccer practice. Guess what? Power outage at the college and meeting is canceled. Rain outside and soccer canceled. We're going to the musical!
