I was supposed to go home this week for fall break, guess who didn't go home, me.
Emotional wreck.
I looked straight out of a movie. I found out all the flights were full, packed my bag back up, hugged my pillowpet and walked to the bathroom. You know those movies where girls have no friends on the first day of school so they sit in the stall and cry? That was me, only not because I didn't have friends, it was because I didn't have a plane to get on. Then I had to scour my way through Salt Lake City to find the trax station and let me tell you, SLC is sketchy. I don't appreciate that place at all. So three buses, and three hours later I finally made it home and my roommates were there to make me feel better. That is why I love them.
On one of the buses I rode I met an old man. To be honest, I was super angry when he started talking to me because I was in no mood to carry on a conversation with him. Anyways, he asked me about baxter, my pillow pet. I told him it was a duck and then he told me a story about how in Maine if you don't keep your ducks fenced in - if they escape and someone else finds them, then that person is allowed to charge you 25 cents per duck, and a certain amount of money per day till you build something to keep them in. Please let that be a law in Utah, someone let some ducks free, and pay me to give them back - talk about a deal. He also told me a story about his daughter. Her and her husband wanted to adopt but she had a dream and saw her father-in-law holding the hand of a little boy. That is when she knew she needed to have another child instead of adopting one. This nice old man told me these stories at least three more times. It turns out he doesn't have that awesome of a memory, at all. But he did cheer me up, and made one of those bus rides much more enjoyable.
I've also had two super awesome talks with two different guy friends of mine. One was till three in the morning, one was today on the way to the airport. The same subjects were covered in each talk, just from different point of views. One from a boy who had a difficult up-bringing but found the church adn found his way, and one from someone who had the church all his life, had some difficulties, and served an honorable mission. Both are some of my best friends, both made me feel better about all my questions and thoughts. I love these people.

I got the BEST birthday package from my mamaw the other day. She sent me sheets to help keep me warm when it gets cold here, I already put them on. They are the most comfortable, warm, lovable sheets ever. Also, she sent me lots of candy and lotion and perfume. The cool thing about that lotion&perfume is it is the same kind that my mamaw wears! And if ya'll dont know, my mamaw is awesome and I want to be just like her, so now I love the fact that I can smell like her. Get at me.
"Be Strong, because things will get better. It may be stormy, but it can't rain forever"
Awwwww I'm sorry you didn't get to go home, I've totally had the plane mishap at that airport. But I AM glad that your roommates are there to love you and keep you happy!!
ReplyDeleteIm nuts about your blog. I love hearing (not reading...because I can ACTUALLY hear you saying this stuff)about your life...in this case...you awful day in SLC. Some of it you told me...a lot of it you didnt! Now I know ANYWAYS!
ReplyDeleteI love love love you!