Sunday, October 2, 2011

It's Better To Look Up

Gosh, man.  This has been the longest weekend ever.  Usually I wish for long weekends, but this one was more exhausting as the rest.  It was conference weekend.  Don't get me wrong, its not that I don't like conference - it just takes all my energy.  All my roommates were excited for conference, actually excitement was an understatement.  They look forward to hearing it.  Anyways, this really cool thing happened.  I've had this prayer in my heart and i've been waiting for my answer - its been difficult because I havent felt like I got anything - not even any kind of recognition.  But then, i'm sitting there, writing in my journ and Robert D. Hales is speaking, guess what he says. 

"We don't know when the answers to our prayers will come.  They come in pieces, here some, there some.  It's on the Lords time."

He also talked about how if we got everything at once we would be so overwhelmed and we wouldn't be able to take everything in.  You know? Isn't that way cool?! Then I realized something, i've gotten pieces at a time.  They've been discrete, but they've been there at the same time.  Its come through Revelation, a random letter from my sister, and thoughts that came into my head.

I hung out with my friend Kolby last night.  We went and saw one of the converts he taught on his mish at J-Dawgs.  She was here from Arizona for conference. She was talking about how she was sharing the church with one of her friends back home.  She made it sound so easy.  I've been a member all my life and I still feel like I have trouble saying what I want to say to certain people.  Dumb. 

"Love Is Spelled t-e-a-m"
-Ian S. Arden

Maybe my new favorite quote, just maybe.  I feel like this is something a lot of people forget sometimes.  It starts out as a team, raising a family, or just keeping a relationship together.  But often times around us this team falls apart. It no longer becomes about supporting each other, it becomes all about themselves.  Thats when things fall apart.  Everyone needs a somebody.

Oh Yeah! and I went to the BYU game!
I was Coralees date, pretty much cause we're bffs - and we're always each others dates. It was SUCH a good game, if you missed it, you losing for a long time.  But we pulled through!  And Won! And sent those Aggies home. To be honest, maybe i'm not a huge football fan, but I loved this game.  And I love these people.  Thats Katelyn and her boyfriend Damon.  We all had competitions to see who could yell obnoxiously the longest.  We also took lots of pictures, maybe that made us super obnox. Whoops. I love this place a whole lot.

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