I have this hairbrush.
Everyone makes fun of me for it.
He's a tough guy.
He is missing many of his protective plastic balls which means that metal sticks impale my scalp on the daily.
But how do you know a brush is really working if you can't hear it ripping through your hair?
Also, i'm bad at getting rid of old things.
Adriana has been telling me for years that I need to suck it up and buy a new hairbrush.
But how could I get rid of something that has helped me through:
-Late night concerts
-Night swims/sprinkler runs
-Different houses
-Different states
-Hair crisis.
This brush has been covered with
-Blonde hair
-Red hair
-Brown hair
-Really really dark brown hair
-Red/Violet hair
-And every step back to blonde.
Well, my friends, today was the day.
I walked into Forever 21 and saw they were selling brushes for $3.25.
And finally, Adriana convinced me to get a new one.
So, tearfully, I am out with the old and in with the new.
I am not the proud owner of a hairbrush that won't tear my scalp to pieces and lets everyone know how I feel about them.
Admit it...you still have the old brush...just in case. Right?