Lyndsi & Ken
The 3 girls I nanny
My bed
I'm not writing this because i'm some girl who is sad she doesn't go on dates.
I'm writing this because I think boys are dumb.
Refer here to see my other feelings about the subject.
Anyways, as an apartment we made a door for Valentines day asking for boyfriends.
It was a brilliant joke that was actually pretty successful.
We had boys stopping by our apartment to introduce themselves, numbers were being written on our door, and interviews began. Eventually we printed out applications and stuck them on or door to be taken. They were full of important questions that could make or break our relationship.
Things like:
- How tall are you?
- Will you scrape the ice off our car?
- Can we have a sweatshirt?
- Would you rather be the big spoon or the little spoon?
- Can we write about you on our blog?
This person had great answers and agreed that I could write about him on my blog.
It was our first face to face interview. When we were done he interviewed us. He had us hug him, hold his hand, and made us role play to see how we would greet him when we see him in public. He asked questions like, "how would you feel if the person you're dating is busy with homework or extra activities and can't see you all the time?" Its understandable that people have lives, right? We all agreed that you don't have to be together all the time, but its still good to make the other person feel important.
Anyways, this was the boy I got set up with.
I was pretty psyched, we seemed to get along pretty well.
We had a date for a Friday but throughout the week he asked me if I could hangout.
I couldn't, I was geuinely busy.
Things came up on his side and our date for Friday was cancelled.
I texted him and asked if we could reschedule.
No answer.
I texted him a few days later and made a joke about how I was going to show up to his Q&A and ask him publicly why he wouldn't text me back, but I had class.
No answer.
I noticed his name was no longer in my phone, just his number.
He defriended me on facebook.
OKAY! Thats a reasonable response, right?
No. Way to be a girl.
Heres a note to all the boys i've ever stopped answering with no explanation, i'm sorry.
Heres a note to all the boys who stop answering girls with no explanation, you're stupid.
I didn't know this boy well enough to know whether or not I could like him.
But I was excited to hang out with him and get to know him better.
Turns out he sucks.
So heres my angsty I-Hate-Boys post.
And I don't feel bad about it at all because he said I could write about him on my blog.
Jokes on you.