Three different planes.
Three different seats.
Four different airports.
and one new friend.
I'm finally back in Provo!
It was pretty bittersweet, let me tell you.
I didn't cry when I said bye to anyone, except my mom, but I also walked away to the security line pretty quickly.
But I am so happy to be back in provo, mostly because I really really love my roommates.
This morning (and by morning I mean one in the afternoon) Katelyn asks us, "Guys, would you rather have no fruit-flies and no toilet paper, or endless amounts of toilet paper and a ton of fruit-flies?" I don't know if I could actually express how much I hated those fruit-flies, so I obviously choose to have no toilet paper. There is substitutes for that anyways. Point of this story: The fruit flies are gone, and so is our toilet paper. (Although I won some at our relief society white elephant party, I won toilet paper. Which once we unwrapped we found out was just a paper towel roll cut in half. Clever anonymous girl in my ward, clever.)
I went hiking yesterday. Yes, hiking. Me and CJ hiked the Y. For those of you who don't live in this town, in just a mountain with a giant Y painted on it. Can't you tell this town is proud of this school? This hike has a trillion switchbacks, and I felt like climb took forever. I didn't talk much, partly because I couldn't breath, and partly because I didn't know what to say. CJ looks at me and asks, "You're thinking never again, right?" How'd you know? I've never been a girly girl, I don't mind being sweaty and gross, but i'm also probably one of the laziest people you'll ever meet. Once you reach the Y you have the choice of climbing to the top, or the bottom. We went to the bottom. It over looks the valley, which was beautiful. Also, a man ran off the why and soared the sky in a parachute/hang-gliding thing. We just watched him fly back and forth and then eventually land in a park. Majestic. I told CJ that I just want to play. "Play an instrument, kinda thing?" I laughed. "No, I want to play in the kinda thing. But there isn't grass here, and the small grass that we have will soon be covered with snow. So I guess i'll just go to class instead." He told me there is a lot of parks here I can go 'play' in, I like parks. On the way down the mountain my legs were shaking real bad. This always happens to me, "I'm not afraid of heights" I tell him, "I just get scared when I have to climb down. Like the light house on the outer banks, going up is no problem for me - coming down is a whole different story. I haven't climbed it in forever, but my mamaw still climbs it. Shes a boss." But I made it too the bottom, shaky legs, and I even slipped a few times. Balance never was one of my finer points. I'm glad I did it, now I won't feel bad when I never do it again.
I had this best friend growing up, she was a little mormon ginge and she lived across the street from me. We met on the church steps, and clicked at that moment. We spend every day together when we were younger, as we grew up we saw each other less and less, but when we were together it was like nothing had changed. She moved to Illinois my sophomore year of high school. I all the sudden couldn't imagine growing up that far away from her. Turns out, I didn't have too. We talk all the time. She's in love now, and I love hearing about it. Shes also always the voice that tells me what I need to hear. When i'm being a brat, shes the first one to tell me. She came to stay with me during the summer and went to girls camp with me, I flew to Chicago and went to girls camp with her. These are some things I wrote while I was there.
July 2009
"When i'm with Hayley I feel my spirit grow brighter. I miss her, and I always forget how much fun I have when i'm with her. 12 years and going strong."
"Today we laid on the grass in the fields and watched the stars. I realized that I have never got this close to a group of girls so fast. I feel like i'm apart of these girls."
"Sometimes I forget who I am and what i'm worth - I forget what I want, and overall what i'm working with. Being here, and being with Hayley makes me remember. She reminds me who I am, and what i'm supposed to do, and why i'm here."
At the end of their camp the fourth years have a, "yellow feather ceremony" Everyone gets Indian names and something that describes them. Mine was Eagle's Flight.
"High in the crest of far away mountains
An eagle takes flight
with courage and power
Her course is true
And with majesty and grace
She directs the sky.
Lacey, fly like an eagle
for within you
greatness in there."

D&C 25: 10-12
10 And verily I say unto thee that thou shalt lay aside the things of this world and seek for the things of a better.
11 And it shall be given thee, also, to make a selection of sacred hyms, as it shall be given thee, which is pleasuring unto me, to be had in my church
12 For my soul delighteth in the song of the heart; yea, the song of the righteous is a prayer unto me, and it shall be answered with a blessing upon their heads.
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