Not only do I freeze easily, but this new college diet has made me small and easy to be knocked over - especially by wind. According to handy the wind is blowing at an average of 27 miles per hour.
That may not sound like a lot, but let me tell you, it is.
This is not only kind of wind that blows your hair all around until it looks teased, but its the kind of winds that prevents you from opening doors, and once the door is open you have to jump super fast through the small crack so you can make it inside the building where it is now a thousand degrees hotter and must start stripping off your layers. Which is another thing i've always sucked at, and probably always will, dressing to fit the weather. My concept is, "I only have to make it till the bus comes, and then into the building and to class. But I always end up standing at the bus stop much longer than planned, thus freezing. When we were little i'm pretty sure my family was known for having the kids that never dressed right for the weather. We would go to the bus stop in tiny jackets, if jackets at all. (Not that this was result of bad parenting, cause it wasn't. It was more of a result that we were stubborn kids and were more worried about being the first one on the bus then being warm.) But by the time we would actually wear jackets and be stopped being cold. We were never on the same time schedule as the weather.
Another thing I used to do...and not understand was wear flip flops in the winter.
This was the cool thing to do in middle school. So there is me, in the 8th grade, thinking I was cooler than I actually was, wearing flip flops while it was: raining, 'snowing', or just plain freezing. Why? Because I thought I was the shiz and that I must follow the same things that the other girls were doing. Little did they know, I hated it. I couldn't feel my feet by the time I got to school, and then I would slip all the way down the hall ways because we all know that no sandals will ever have super awesome traction when the ground is wet.
(Once upon the time I was also the girl who hated showering, and brushing my hair, so I refused too. My mom put up with a lot of tomboyish things I did. But we're not going to talk anymore about that.)
Speaking of my mom, I love her a whole lot.
Last night we were talking, (like we do everyday, seriously.)
Side story: While she was in Nicaragua getting Corey from his mission we weren't able to talk for three days. I honestly started thinking the worst. "Oh my gosh, my family was shot down by snipers hiding in the mountains and i'm never going to see them again. I'm not going to go to college next semester, I need to cancel my classes. Good thing Jesse and Brad like me, cause i'm gonna take care of them. I wonder if mamaw has heard from them, how will I know if they're alive?! Who is going to tell Lyndsi?! How do you plan a funeral? I need to get a job. Crap, im parentless."
No joke, this was my thought process. I didn't tell anyone, except for Adriana who now makes fun of me for blowing things way out of proportion. Gay.
No joke, this was my thought process. I didn't tell anyone, except for Adriana who now makes fun of me for blowing things way out of proportion. Gay.
Anyways. These are key phrases from our conversation last night.
"Make her your friend, and change your profile picture, I bet shes creepin you all the time."
"I don't exactly remember our conversation last night, I was ambiened up, but I do remember your dad having his ear next to mine so he could hear, he's so cute."
"Your package came! I think we picked the right size. ...on second thought, it looks a little big, crap."
And of course I get sent millions of pictures of Bradley who is beyond adorable on a daily basis.
"Your package came! I think we picked the right size. ...on second thought, it looks a little big, crap."
And of course I get sent millions of pictures of Bradley who is beyond adorable on a daily basis.
Mostly the part I loved was over conversation ending like this.
"Goodnight, I love you! Do you need money?"
Do I need money? Yes. Am I stubborn and promised you that I could live off this financial aid money for a full semester? Yes. Me and Coralee figured it out, I have about 40 dollars, and two weeks left, therefore I can totally make that work with groceries. I caved anyways.
"Money would be great mom, but I don't need a lot."
"I'll put some in at lunch time tomorrow, 50?!"
My eyes lit up, and I filled with happiness.
I love my mom, and we're pretty much best friends.
Ken came over the other day, he told me my apartment smelled, and then he helped me fix it.
(we opened windows, doors, and sprayed that mess down.)
I told him about our fruit fly problem, we tried to look for the main source of the food that they were multiplying in, it was no where to be found -therefore Ken decided they're probably living in our walls.
welcome to glenhood. He said if we set out a bowl of alcohol that the smell would pretty much stun the fruit flies into death - he should know, they used to do it in science class and then examine the flies. I laughed at him.
I hate utah weather.
I love my family.
I over react.
I'm greatful for jackets
&& boys who know how to kill fruit flies.
that is all.
ReplyDeleteI totally did NOT put you any money in!
I barely remember saying that. (you can remind wont hurt my feelings)
TOMORROW~(December 7)
PS...thanks for announcing my Ambien habit to the blogging world. friends can get away with that.