The other day Coach Smith was giving us a speech as we walked around the track about going to school, and showing up for class, and choosing your friends wisely. He said the friend you make in college are the ones that you will keep forever. Is this true? When I was in the 8th grade Corey told me that same thing. When I get to high school, the friends I had in middle school will disappear and I will find new ones. I didn't believe him, but it was true. I had gone from spending every waking second since the fifth grade with Katie Gradert, we barely talked in high school. Kayla Newsome knew my whole life in the eighth grade, where is she now? Ashley Butler? Cody Patterson? Jackie Weston? Weston Werner? Where have all of you guys run off too?
My brother was right, high school led me to a whole new group of friends. Will I grow apart from them too? College has already showed a separation starting, I don't talk to anyone as much, at all. But that doesn't mean I don't miss them. This time difference sucks. I miss the fantastic four, and movie nights, and lake days. I miss wandering the halls of Lake Norman knowing I wouldn't get yelled at because my teachers didn't care anyways. Who will I be friends with this time next year?

In high school I was:
The Mormon
The Track Runner
The girl who stole other girls boyfriends
The girl who was best friends with every girls boyfriend
The disney movie fanatic
The girl who would wear sweatpants everyday if it was possible
The wannabe artist
The snuggler
Who will I be here?
************************************************************************I really don't like my math class, at all. It takes me so much longer to understand things than everyone else, and then it takes me longer to actually figure them out. Not that I can't figure them out, I just work slowly. I'd rather write a paper, someone please let me write a story about my life. Anyways, my professor is a cute little oldish man with a chub gut. He has some scruff and he always asks us after each problem, "Whos happy!?" I don't raise my hand. "Whos not happy?!" I don't raise my hand. "Whos nor happy nor unhappy?" I dont raise my hand. "Whos arms aren't working today?" My hand still stays on the table. I'm the girl who sits in the center of the second row, I ask no questions, I just take my notes, do my problems, back up my bag and walk our the door. But today he said something cool that made me like him even more.
"Wisdom is knowing when to overlook things"
Of course he was talking about knowing when the proper time to stop a math problem is and to not do more work than you have to - but math was not what it made me think about. I feel like often people let themselves get bogged down with all the negative crap going on around them. Whether its with their own life, their family, school, or worldly views. Why can't we all just overlook the small things? Lets all be happy, kick off our shoes, and run around in some grass before the snow begins to fall. Because the world knows once i'm forced to wear shoes, I won't be a happy camper.
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