We're getting one of these suckas. And he'll be our best friend. And we'll keep him nice and small...and cuddley. We already love him.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Prepare to be Beasted.
Whens fall break again? ...not soon enough is the answer. I'm dying here and would like a big amount of time to sleep in. Or time to take a nap. Thank goodness its Friday.
Things that have ruined this week for me:
*I dont remember what it feels like to not be sore.
*My kneecap is pretty much eating the tissue on the inside of my knee - hello physical therpy.
*All my friends are going home this weekend, i'm going back to my dorm.
*I have yet to find some good fried chicken.
*I was so bored I got a twitter - just another thing to be addicted too. (@lacefacee14)
*Its getting colder here.
Things that have made me appreciate this week:
*We got our super cool track clothes! So legit.
*I've made lots of friends on the team.
*I went to see this WAY funny play with summer afer practice on Wednesday.
*I won freshman grocery Bingo...THREE TIMES.
*After a really upsetting day yesterday Ken called me offering me a ticket to the BYU game tonight.
SIDE NOTE: I just love that boy. He takes care of me so well, and drives me to the grocery store, and does things like see if I want to go the BYU football game when he has an extra ticket. Last week he invited me to his tailgate, which tasted way way way good. Just keep on lovin my sister kenny love. 'preciate it.
Once upon a time me and my sister went on a road trip before she left on her mish. We drove to West Virgina to visit her friend Emily. (another one of my favorite people) Anyways, Emily has a little sister, Laura. Laura has a blog. I was reading it last night. (not to be creepy...thats what they're for right?) Anyways she had a way cool entry where she was talking about dumb boys and annoying things theyve done. Dude, i loved it. Thats my kinda thing. It seemed so freeing, so i'm stealing it &&&& here we go.
Its okay....
*that you never texted me back
*that you said you liked me, then disappeared
*that we spend everyday for weeks at a time together, then you changed your mind.
*that you liked me, and then you didn't, and then you really did, and then you had a girlfriend.
*that you left to get what you wanted from someone else
*that your way of saying you were done involved ditching me
*that you threatened to end our friendship over someone else
*you held my hand...while you had three other girls.
*that you kissed me when you knew it wasn't going anywhere
*that you made fun of my religion
*that you said you won't be my friend if I turned into a lard
*that girls all around school said hateful things to me, because things with you
*that you told me I was stupid
*thats us hanging out always had to involve all your friends
*that you turned my music off every time it came on
*that you wouldn't come over to my house
*that you smoked in front of me, a lot.
*that you showed up to hang out with me high.
*when I was convinced we were going to prom, jokes.
*when you napped at my house, but were napping at her house at the same time.
*that I had to sit through a counseling session for you.
Its okay, because i'm done with all of you boys now.
I'm happy, and i'm sure you are too.
I have someone who
*really does like me, really
*comes to my house all the dang time
*loves my family
*loves his own family
*doesnt smell like smoke
*is going somewhere with his life
*likes to hold my hand
*will sit through all my disney/pixar movie obsessions with no complaints
*hates my whiny boy band music, but would still listen to it
*laughs at me, even when my jokes clearly arent funny
*makes sure i'm okay, every night.
*thats texts me back
*has never played games with me
*visits my family, even when i'm not home
*cares about the things I do
*is my own motivational speaker when something goes wrong
*has been my best friends since I can remember
guess what.
he tops all ya'll.
so there.
Things that have ruined this week for me:
*I dont remember what it feels like to not be sore.
*My kneecap is pretty much eating the tissue on the inside of my knee - hello physical therpy.
*All my friends are going home this weekend, i'm going back to my dorm.
*I have yet to find some good fried chicken.
*I was so bored I got a twitter - just another thing to be addicted too. (@lacefacee14)
*Its getting colder here.
Things that have made me appreciate this week:
*We got our super cool track clothes! So legit.
*I've made lots of friends on the team.
*I went to see this WAY funny play with summer afer practice on Wednesday.
*I won freshman grocery Bingo...THREE TIMES.
*After a really upsetting day yesterday Ken called me offering me a ticket to the BYU game tonight.
SIDE NOTE: I just love that boy. He takes care of me so well, and drives me to the grocery store, and does things like see if I want to go the BYU football game when he has an extra ticket. Last week he invited me to his tailgate, which tasted way way way good. Just keep on lovin my sister kenny love. 'preciate it.
Once upon a time me and my sister went on a road trip before she left on her mish. We drove to West Virgina to visit her friend Emily. (another one of my favorite people) Anyways, Emily has a little sister, Laura. Laura has a blog. I was reading it last night. (not to be creepy...thats what they're for right?) Anyways she had a way cool entry where she was talking about dumb boys and annoying things theyve done. Dude, i loved it. Thats my kinda thing. It seemed so freeing, so i'm stealing it &&&& here we go.
Its okay....
*that you never texted me back
*that you said you liked me, then disappeared
*that we spend everyday for weeks at a time together, then you changed your mind.
*that you liked me, and then you didn't, and then you really did, and then you had a girlfriend.
*that you left to get what you wanted from someone else
*that your way of saying you were done involved ditching me
*that you threatened to end our friendship over someone else
*you held my hand...while you had three other girls.
*that you kissed me when you knew it wasn't going anywhere
*that you made fun of my religion
*that you said you won't be my friend if I turned into a lard
*that girls all around school said hateful things to me, because things with you
*that you told me I was stupid
*thats us hanging out always had to involve all your friends
*that you turned my music off every time it came on
*that you wouldn't come over to my house
*that you smoked in front of me, a lot.
*that you showed up to hang out with me high.
*when I was convinced we were going to prom, jokes.
*when you napped at my house, but were napping at her house at the same time.
*that I had to sit through a counseling session for you.
Its okay, because i'm done with all of you boys now.
I'm happy, and i'm sure you are too.
I have someone who
*really does like me, really
*comes to my house all the dang time
*loves my family
*loves his own family
*doesnt smell like smoke
*is going somewhere with his life
*likes to hold my hand
*will sit through all my disney/pixar movie obsessions with no complaints
*hates my whiny boy band music, but would still listen to it
*laughs at me, even when my jokes clearly arent funny
*makes sure i'm okay, every night.
*thats texts me back
*has never played games with me
*visits my family, even when i'm not home
*cares about the things I do
*is my own motivational speaker when something goes wrong
*has been my best friends since I can remember
guess what.
he tops all ya'll.
so there.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
so sometimes...
I love acoustic guitar, music in general mostly. Tonight our friend Christian played this for our apartment. Have I mentioned that we love him? He was real real nervous when he first came over, we're talkin shakin nervous, but then he just couldnt stop. He writes his own songs, he played it for us, but he wouldn't let me record him - he yelled at me when I did. He can even play the sweet guitar moments from August Rush! He got his acoustic guitar from a guy in his homeward for free, the only thing Christian has to do in return is go and play for him every once in a while - pretty dang legit. This makes me want to be musically talented in some way, instead I just eat.
Speaking of eating, my stomach freaked out when I ate McDonalds today, im talkin freaked. I laid of my couch and thought I was gonna see it all again. Whats wrong with this!? If I cant even handle normal american food, whats gonna happen when I go home to eat some BOJ?! i'm just gonna die, end of story.
I made southern dinner for the dinner group today! Dinner group is ten people from or ward and someone in the group has an assigned night to make dinner for everyone, so we're all promised dinner sunday - thursday. Apparently on Fridays and Saturdays we're supposed to date and get married. Anyways, I made GRITS, bacon, gravy, biscuits (burnt), and eggs. The grits were a pretty big hit, not gonna lie. I made 12 servings and theyre all gone! We eventually added brown sugar and bacon and all that good stuff. It was way exciting.PS: These are my super cool roommates.
(Katelyn, Jenna, Me, Coralee, Adriana)

Friday, September 9, 2011
Where'd You Park Your Southern Accent At?!
You know, maybe college isn't for me. I'd rather play all day, or sleep, or eat. Because lately, I don't think i've been able to enough of any of that. So i'm taking a break from school, at least for right now. I'm sitting on my couch, eating pizza I forgot I had bought, watching The Notebook. Although, I had every intention of watching August Rush, thats what I thought was in the DVD player. But once I sat down and realized it wasn't I was much to sore, and lazy to get up and change it.
The other day Coach Smith was giving us a speech as we walked around the track about going to school, and showing up for class, and choosing your friends wisely. He said the friend you make in college are the ones that you will keep forever. Is this true? When I was in the 8th grade Corey told me that same thing. When I get to high school, the friends I had in middle school will disappear and I will find new ones. I didn't believe him, but it was true. I had gone from spending every waking second since the fifth grade with Katie Gradert, we barely talked in high school. Kayla Newsome knew my whole life in the eighth grade, where is she now? Ashley Butler? Cody Patterson? Jackie Weston? Weston Werner? Where have all of you guys run off too?
My brother was right, high school led me to a whole new group of friends. Will I grow apart from them too? College has already showed a separation starting, I don't talk to anyone as much, at all. But that doesn't mean I don't miss them. This time difference sucks. I miss the fantastic four, and movie nights, and lake days. I miss wandering the halls of Lake Norman knowing I wouldn't get yelled at because my teachers didn't care anyways. Who will I be friends with this time next year?

I really don't like my math class, at all. It takes me so much longer to understand things than everyone else, and then it takes me longer to actually figure them out. Not that I can't figure them out, I just work slowly. I'd rather write a paper, someone please let me write a story about my life. Anyways, my professor is a cute little oldish man with a chub gut. He has some scruff and he always asks us after each problem, "Whos happy!?" I don't raise my hand. "Whos not happy?!" I don't raise my hand. "Whos nor happy nor unhappy?" I dont raise my hand. "Whos arms aren't working today?" My hand still stays on the table. I'm the girl who sits in the center of the second row, I ask no questions, I just take my notes, do my problems, back up my bag and walk our the door. But today he said something cool that made me like him even more.
The other day Coach Smith was giving us a speech as we walked around the track about going to school, and showing up for class, and choosing your friends wisely. He said the friend you make in college are the ones that you will keep forever. Is this true? When I was in the 8th grade Corey told me that same thing. When I get to high school, the friends I had in middle school will disappear and I will find new ones. I didn't believe him, but it was true. I had gone from spending every waking second since the fifth grade with Katie Gradert, we barely talked in high school. Kayla Newsome knew my whole life in the eighth grade, where is she now? Ashley Butler? Cody Patterson? Jackie Weston? Weston Werner? Where have all of you guys run off too?
My brother was right, high school led me to a whole new group of friends. Will I grow apart from them too? College has already showed a separation starting, I don't talk to anyone as much, at all. But that doesn't mean I don't miss them. This time difference sucks. I miss the fantastic four, and movie nights, and lake days. I miss wandering the halls of Lake Norman knowing I wouldn't get yelled at because my teachers didn't care anyways. Who will I be friends with this time next year?

In high school I was:
The Mormon
The Track Runner
The girl who stole other girls boyfriends
The girl who was best friends with every girls boyfriend
The disney movie fanatic
The girl who would wear sweatpants everyday if it was possible
The wannabe artist
The snuggler
Who will I be here?
************************************************************************I really don't like my math class, at all. It takes me so much longer to understand things than everyone else, and then it takes me longer to actually figure them out. Not that I can't figure them out, I just work slowly. I'd rather write a paper, someone please let me write a story about my life. Anyways, my professor is a cute little oldish man with a chub gut. He has some scruff and he always asks us after each problem, "Whos happy!?" I don't raise my hand. "Whos not happy?!" I don't raise my hand. "Whos nor happy nor unhappy?" I dont raise my hand. "Whos arms aren't working today?" My hand still stays on the table. I'm the girl who sits in the center of the second row, I ask no questions, I just take my notes, do my problems, back up my bag and walk our the door. But today he said something cool that made me like him even more.
"Wisdom is knowing when to overlook things"
Of course he was talking about knowing when the proper time to stop a math problem is and to not do more work than you have to - but math was not what it made me think about. I feel like often people let themselves get bogged down with all the negative crap going on around them. Whether its with their own life, their family, school, or worldly views. Why can't we all just overlook the small things? Lets all be happy, kick off our shoes, and run around in some grass before the snow begins to fall. Because the world knows once i'm forced to wear shoes, I won't be a happy camper.
Monday, September 5, 2011
Fun things we do in this mountain town.

provo lovin
Last night was a rough night.
I hang up the phone and sigh in some upset tone.
Adriana - "Was that him?"
Me - "Yep, he wanted to say goodnight."
"you okay?"
"nope, he didn't really like the Andrew thing. I don't know why that bothered him but k.awk didn't."
"its cause he knows a white boy doesn't stand a chance with you, you like em dark. He's just worried cause he loves you. You'd be worried too."
Shes right, I sighed again, mostly in annoyence that I shouldn't be annoyed. I turned on some country music, got a pretty pen and copied some saved texts into my journal. Turn the lights off, hug Baxter and slowly drift off into a restless sleep.
I took an adventure to Wal-Mart with Jenna and Christian today, our friend from apartment 93. We saw husky puppies on the side of the road for sale so Jenna finds the first parking spot, throws her car in park, and runs over to them. I love this girl. We all passed a puppy around, they were 500 dollars each. Christian said if we all pitched in money we could do it, I mean who needs grocerys anyways? We realized how completely logical this was not and put the puppies down. We continued on with our real shopping and one of the first foods I picked up was grits, the cheesy kind.
Jenna : Grits - you really are from the south.
Dang Right I Am.
Christian : I had grits once from Dennys, they weren't very good. I don't like the texture.
Me : I bet I could make grits better than Dennys.
I grabbed the kind that already has cheese in them, I love this kind.
Jenna : Wait, cheesy grits?
Me : Yes, cheesy grits.
After my grocery shopping adverture with Jenna and C-Ris we make it back to the apartment, everyone is chillin in the living room and kitchen.
Jenna - "Lacey, your boy added me on facebook!"
Katelyn - "Wait, he better add me!"
Coralee - "Me too!"
Adriana - "I wanna be facebook friends with him too!"
Today I was in the car with Coralee and Katelyn. Our orginal plan was to buy chalkboard paint for our living room. It was to expensive. Instead Coralee got grocerys, we drove to the DI - it was closed, we took care of Molly (Katelyns grandparents dog), and hit up Jasons Deli. This was on the way home.
Me - "I told him I going to send him a scout from Utah, he'll come up here, we'll get married and live in the marriage housing since its on every corner...and then I'll convert him."
Katelyn - "How does he feel about the church?"
"He doesn't bash me for it. He loves how I love it. We had a really intense conversation at three in the morning about it. I asked him if he would every consider it - he said hes a conspiracy kinda guy, he wants to know things are for real. It was to big of a question for him to answer on the spot, I knew it would be. Its a big change, he said he needed time to think about it. I think he could love it though."
"I think he could love it too."
Last night after ward prayer I made brownies and Adriana made gingersnap cookies...for the fifth night in a row. I asked if anyone wanted peanut butter in their brownies, it was given yes. As I stirred the mix together I told my new best friends a story.
"The first week of summer I went to the beach with a lot of my friends, a boy I liked a lot went too. He made these there and that was the first time I had ever had them. He pretty much had my attention from then on. But after the beach trip he ended up being dumb and now we don't talk anymore."
someone replied, "well, at least you learned how to make these awesome brownies."
We all laughed.
I love these ladies, and we've only been here for two weeks.
I hang up the phone and sigh in some upset tone.
Adriana - "Was that him?"
Me - "Yep, he wanted to say goodnight."
"you okay?"
"nope, he didn't really like the Andrew thing. I don't know why that bothered him but k.awk didn't."
"its cause he knows a white boy doesn't stand a chance with you, you like em dark. He's just worried cause he loves you. You'd be worried too."
Shes right, I sighed again, mostly in annoyence that I shouldn't be annoyed. I turned on some country music, got a pretty pen and copied some saved texts into my journal. Turn the lights off, hug Baxter and slowly drift off into a restless sleep.
I took an adventure to Wal-Mart with Jenna and Christian today, our friend from apartment 93. We saw husky puppies on the side of the road for sale so Jenna finds the first parking spot, throws her car in park, and runs over to them. I love this girl. We all passed a puppy around, they were 500 dollars each. Christian said if we all pitched in money we could do it, I mean who needs grocerys anyways? We realized how completely logical this was not and put the puppies down. We continued on with our real shopping and one of the first foods I picked up was grits, the cheesy kind.
Jenna : Grits - you really are from the south.
Dang Right I Am.
Christian : I had grits once from Dennys, they weren't very good. I don't like the texture.
Me : I bet I could make grits better than Dennys.
I grabbed the kind that already has cheese in them, I love this kind.
Jenna : Wait, cheesy grits?
Me : Yes, cheesy grits.
After my grocery shopping adverture with Jenna and C-Ris we make it back to the apartment, everyone is chillin in the living room and kitchen.
Jenna - "Lacey, your boy added me on facebook!"
Katelyn - "Wait, he better add me!"
Coralee - "Me too!"
Adriana - "I wanna be facebook friends with him too!"
Today I was in the car with Coralee and Katelyn. Our orginal plan was to buy chalkboard paint for our living room. It was to expensive. Instead Coralee got grocerys, we drove to the DI - it was closed, we took care of Molly (Katelyns grandparents dog), and hit up Jasons Deli. This was on the way home.
Me - "I told him I going to send him a scout from Utah, he'll come up here, we'll get married and live in the marriage housing since its on every corner...and then I'll convert him."
Katelyn - "How does he feel about the church?"
"He doesn't bash me for it. He loves how I love it. We had a really intense conversation at three in the morning about it. I asked him if he would every consider it - he said hes a conspiracy kinda guy, he wants to know things are for real. It was to big of a question for him to answer on the spot, I knew it would be. Its a big change, he said he needed time to think about it. I think he could love it though."
"I think he could love it too."
Last night after ward prayer I made brownies and Adriana made gingersnap cookies...for the fifth night in a row. I asked if anyone wanted peanut butter in their brownies, it was given yes. As I stirred the mix together I told my new best friends a story.
"The first week of summer I went to the beach with a lot of my friends, a boy I liked a lot went too. He made these there and that was the first time I had ever had them. He pretty much had my attention from then on. But after the beach trip he ended up being dumb and now we don't talk anymore."
someone replied, "well, at least you learned how to make these awesome brownies."
We all laughed.
I love these ladies, and we've only been here for two weeks.
Friday, September 2, 2011
Tron? Troy? ...Thor.
I think that everyone has this impression that i'm going to come home from college at the end of this year and be married. Dear members of society, I will not get married in less than a year. I'm not even 18 yet, not even LEGAL. So stick that in your juice box. Although i'm sure being married is going to be a joy, i'd rather have lots of different boys buy me meals up to that point.
I love my english class, love love love. Although its in the automotive building and i'm still not sure why, but I love it. My teacher is kinda crazy, but I really appreciate her. Plus, I think to love english enough to teach it you gave to be a little cray cray.
BUT, theres this boy...
in my english class..
and he makes me angry.
The first day we were the only two who tried to analyze a quote and I thought we would be friends.
he is a suck up, such a suck up. I don't really like those, just hush.
Have I mentioned I love my rommates?
Last night we went to the drive in movie at UVU - it was Thor.
It was me, Jenna, Caitlyn, Adriana, and Coralee. (Caitlyn is not to be mistaken with the Katelyn that actually have a contract with glenhood. Caitlyn is Jennas best friend, but she is pretty much one of our roommates anyways. Katelyn was to busy being cute with some boy.)
We were joined by our new friends from apartment 93!
Kevin, Christian, and Colby. They also supplied me and Jenna with change to do our laundry, thanks boys. before leaving for said movie we met a boy in the parking lot, Chris? Hes a soccer player, pretty dang good lookin, and totally crushin on Coralee. Get it.
During the movie I started shivering, go figure. Kevin genreously gave me his byu smellswaygood wind breaker jacket type thing. I later mentioned something about not remember where I left my shoes. He turns to me and says, "Well thats why youre so cold! As soon as your feel get cold, youre everything is cold!" PAUSE. I don't like shoes. And its September, why is it getting cold already!? I wasn't expecting the tempature to drop 10 degress. Gosh.
After Katelyn got home from her date Jenna, Coralee, and I cornerd her and asked her a bazillion questions. She then returned the favor and asked if we love the boys we hung out with tonight. We all laughed and made excuses, said our goodnights and walked away. Cute boy from the parking lot texted Coralee, we all had a mini spaz for her. (mine was from the confines of my covers)
I love my roommates.
Everyone asks me if I love Utah. I do, I absolutly love it here. This place is beyond wonderful. But I always have to throw in that i'm going to die when it gets cold. It doesnt really snow in North Carolina, not utah snow. What am I gonna do? Speaking of: I need to pick up my coat from the cleaners. bum.
I miss North Carolina, even mooresville.
I miss bojangles.
I miss cookout.
I miss southern fried chicken.
I miss bradley yelling, "mommm!" when mom comes home from work.
I miss hearing Jesse play his guitar obnoxiously loud for hours.
I miss snuggin with my best friend.
I miss brad sneakin in to steal baxter.
I miss my flanal penguin sheets.
I miss swinging on playground with rachel.
I miss the smell after mamaw has cleaned our whole house.
I miss the lake.
I miss driving Jesse to school every morning.
I've been here for a week and 2 days.
ho man.
I love my english class, love love love. Although its in the automotive building and i'm still not sure why, but I love it. My teacher is kinda crazy, but I really appreciate her. Plus, I think to love english enough to teach it you gave to be a little cray cray.
BUT, theres this boy...
in my english class..
and he makes me angry.
The first day we were the only two who tried to analyze a quote and I thought we would be friends.
he is a suck up, such a suck up. I don't really like those, just hush.
Have I mentioned I love my rommates?
Last night we went to the drive in movie at UVU - it was Thor.
It was me, Jenna, Caitlyn, Adriana, and Coralee. (Caitlyn is not to be mistaken with the Katelyn that actually have a contract with glenhood. Caitlyn is Jennas best friend, but she is pretty much one of our roommates anyways. Katelyn was to busy being cute with some boy.)
We were joined by our new friends from apartment 93!
Kevin, Christian, and Colby. They also supplied me and Jenna with change to do our laundry, thanks boys. before leaving for said movie we met a boy in the parking lot, Chris? Hes a soccer player, pretty dang good lookin, and totally crushin on Coralee. Get it.
During the movie I started shivering, go figure. Kevin genreously gave me his byu smellswaygood wind breaker jacket type thing. I later mentioned something about not remember where I left my shoes. He turns to me and says, "Well thats why youre so cold! As soon as your feel get cold, youre everything is cold!" PAUSE. I don't like shoes. And its September, why is it getting cold already!? I wasn't expecting the tempature to drop 10 degress. Gosh.
After Katelyn got home from her date Jenna, Coralee, and I cornerd her and asked her a bazillion questions. She then returned the favor and asked if we love the boys we hung out with tonight. We all laughed and made excuses, said our goodnights and walked away. Cute boy from the parking lot texted Coralee, we all had a mini spaz for her. (mine was from the confines of my covers)
I love my roommates.
Everyone asks me if I love Utah. I do, I absolutly love it here. This place is beyond wonderful. But I always have to throw in that i'm going to die when it gets cold. It doesnt really snow in North Carolina, not utah snow. What am I gonna do? Speaking of: I need to pick up my coat from the cleaners. bum.
I miss North Carolina, even mooresville.
I miss bojangles.
I miss cookout.
I miss southern fried chicken.
I miss bradley yelling, "mommm!" when mom comes home from work.
I miss hearing Jesse play his guitar obnoxiously loud for hours.
I miss snuggin with my best friend.
I miss brad sneakin in to steal baxter.
I miss my flanal penguin sheets.
I miss swinging on playground with rachel.
I miss the smell after mamaw has cleaned our whole house.
I miss the lake.
I miss driving Jesse to school every morning.
I've been here for a week and 2 days.
ho man.
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