Wednesday, August 31, 2011

apartment 71!

hoooooray! I'm officially survived three days of college classes - I have never been more ready for the weekend. Annnnd, track hasn't even started yet.

First: I love love love love my roommates, all of them - which apparently is weird.  We don't have any awkward ones! Or any super shy, or anything like that.  But together, we all get pretty..odd.

Jenna - Shes my roommate and I love her so so much. Shes blonde and loves wearing sweatpants, hates showering, and likes her boys brown. HELLO, WE'RE EACH OTHER. She is a sophomore at UVU and is majoring in social work. She was really quiet at first, but opened up quickly.  I like her a whole bunch. She has a missonary and her best guy friend is in..Peru. And then her boy is in Ecuador, which is cool cause he was born there! Pretty much we get along, even if we aren't talking to each other when we're in the same room.
Coralee - (KOR-a-LEE) officially the coolest name ever. She is in the room next to me. She is so so sweet and everything is, "so awesome". Shes a sophomore at BYU and doesn't have a major yet. Shes mexican...or latino. Which ever one. She has missonary also, but he is only in the MTC and its driving her crazy. I told her we should take a trip to the temple whenever the missonarys go visit the provo one and we can spy on him.
Katelyn - She is Coralees roommate.  So so so so so so nice.  The first night I was here I was putting up my picture wall and her and Coralee came in and asked me about all the boys on my wall and I told little stories about all of them. She again, has a missonary. I don't remember where he is at though. She is also a sophomore at UVU.
Adriana - I thought I was going to have some problems with this girl when we first started off, simply because she took up all the cabinent space with her food.  But I got over that and we decided we would all just mesh our stuff together! Anyways, she is also some cool ethnicety. Shes a sophomore at BYU and is majoring in physics teaching and something else that involves you to be real smart, I think it was french.
We told our first kiss stories, best date, worst date, that whole shabang.  We've pretty much all already bonded and apartment 71 is obviously the place to be and we already all love each other.
GlenHOOD isn't as ghetto as everyone made it seem.  Granted I have never lived anywhere else, nut everything in here works! Except after we ran out dishwasher for the first time our kitched floor was flooded, and Coralee and Katelyn STILL don't have mattress, just boxsprings.  Thanks Glenhood contracters.  I kinda love this place, its growing on me.

Friday, August 26, 2011

north - south - east - west

Dear Citizens of Utah,
I can not naviagte myself around by things like, "its west of the hospital" or "go down the road and turn east."  I don't carry a compass with me.
Go left - or right would be REAL nice.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

I'm So Old.

Wooooooo, I’m on my way to college! The big leagues! I’m currently chillin in the airplane, ive been here for about 3 hours, and I still have an hour and a half more until we reach phoenix.  Not even the end of my trip yet.  I’ve decided I hate planes.  I never plan enough activities for myself, or never sleep long enough, and then I’m stuck In my seat doing something like – writing a blog entry for the blog I never really started – of tearing my nails – or thinking about how much I have to pee – or wishing I had to Boj to hold me over, again.  LUCKLY me and the madre at least have a row to ourselves! Unless you count Baxter, he is taking pleasure in his own seat in the middle.   Baxter is my pillowpet, hes a handsom little duck.  And my best friend.  He listens to me when I talk, and snugs with me allll the time and never complains. He also lets me use him as a pillow, he covered the abnormally large distance there is from my head to the airplane window.  Ive always thought that people can look like such peaceful sleepers, and that’s what I’ve strived to look like.  I thought I was going a pretty good job until I woke up when my mom was trying to grab the snacks out of my bag, compliments of Jill, and I had a line of drool running down my face.  Classy  Lacey, classy.  Also, the headphones I have SUCK.  Don’t worry Headphone Company, I only wanted to hear the background sounds of every song anyways, who really cares about the words, right? Wrong. Never again.

 I’m kinda freaking out about college.  I’m not sure what part though.  The leaving for sure, but I’m pretty okay with the making new friends aspect.  Running track out here scares the kapoop out of me.  I feel like everything is gonna be super legit, cause its college - Cept this little southern girl from North Carolina.  ALSO, everyone’s, probably perfectly okay, lungs will be able to handle the thin wonderful air of Utah! Not mine! My poor asthmatic lungs may have a stroke of their own.  I don’t love track like I loved soccer.  The whole part about just…running…for a sport throws me off, I’d rather be chasing a ball, or running to take someone out, not running to a finish line.  But my FAVORITE part is actually crossing the finish line and feeling accomplished. For those of you who have never ran before,  when you’re in a race where you are not only the only white girl, but youre the only girl who looks like their body was not mutated from a horse, or a man, its pretty intimidating.  I was totally comfortable at Lake Norman, I knew the girls from all the other schools, who to look out for, who I knew I could beat for comfort.  In Utah, that won’t be the case.  I’ll be the small girl, from the south, who doesn’t have horse legs, and would rather eat some fried chicken than do anything else. 

I love my family.  My mom has been stressing out about this for WEEKS. Whattt? My Mom stressing out? No. Never.   Yes, she very well has.  She has taken care of pretty much everything, and shes stayed on top of me to get everything completed.  My dad actually admitted to being stressed and overwhelmed about me leaving also! My dad has lots of emotions, but he doesn’t really show much sometimes.  He’s very sarcastic, which I love.  I was glad to know that he was stressing also, it reminds me that not only does my Dad have a heart, but he’s worried!  Granted my mom has been worrying for weeks, and my Dad just admitted to it the night before I left.  But whatevs, props to you dad for admitting a weakness.  Jesse gets to hold the house down now! Booya, that will be interesting.  As soon as he can drive everything will be A-OK.  He just has to learn to take a tad more initiative and know when to do the dishes, and what the proper amount of time is to let bradleys dried spaghetti stick to the table before its time for it to go in the trash.  But he’ll be fine, I’m sure my mom will let him know what she expects.  I’ll miss my family, lots.

And my ward. I loved loved loved the people in my church.  I’ve grown up with all of them! And now I’m leaving for college? Whaaaaaaat.  Dear people of Lake Norman Ward who may or may not read this.  Thank you.  I love all of you…most of you, really.  Now I’ve got to prepare myself for a young ward, full of college students. No more four year olds running up to the stand, no more high pitched squeaks from the hearing aids of our older ‘youth’, and no more unofficial signed rows to each family.  Can’t wait to see you guys at Christmas!

My laptop is a little to large for this small amount of space I was awarded when I received this seat.  I feel like its about to jab me in my already full bladder. Full of Cheerwine that is<3 I’d use to airplane bathroom but I have a fear of being sucked down with...everything and being thrown out into the sky.  Free skydiving adventure, check.  Dying afterwards I’m not too fond of. I’ll just hold my bladder until I have successfully reached the lovely airport of Pheonix.

Check you guys later,